Summer is here! For many schools, this time of year is a chance for students and teachers to take a well-earned break. However, it is also important for schools to keep their communication active during the summer.

Conduct a website accessibility audit

Your school website needs to be accessible to anyone with disabilities. Your very first step in discovering and understanding website accessibility starts with an audit. You can scan your website using software but you also need to conduct a ‘human’ review. Check to see if your website can be navigated using only a keyboard, if link highlighting works properly, if your CTAs descriptive, etc.

Analyze your communications mix

You have a website, social media and maybe a mobile app, but do you really know how effective they are? This is where Google Analytics can help you. With GA, you can understand how your communication is performing and what you can do to improve it.

Establish social media branding consistency

Social media presents almost limitless opportunities for schools to project a positive image. But more than often, schools are not very organised and consistent with their social media, especially during the summer break. Social media can be a great tool for crafting and reinforcing your brand so make sure you keep the communication active during the summer.

Organise and plan your communication calendar

Whether it is your newsletter, social media posts, campus tours, big events, etc., give some thought to the big picture and when it makes the most sense to promote these opportunities. There is a predictable seasonality to a lot that goes on in any given school year, so build on your school’s past experiences and schedules to create a master communication calendar.

At we have been helping schools to successfully get more students through successful digital communication in the summer. So if you are looking to recruit more students for your programmes with minimal cost and effort, feel free to reach out to us.