recruit more students
save time and money while
getting more students
Your institution has seen way more students than students have seen schools or universities. Therefore you know much better which students are a good fit for your programmes than the students knowing which programme to pick. To help the student make the right choice, a contact needs to be established, preferably with those who at least are a likely fit. This is where good marketing can help.
we help you match students for your programmes to get the conversion going
How do we do this? A thorough tracking along the whole recruitment funnel enables the insights which students that your institution is talking to at this moment come from which initial marketing channel. The feedback on the quality of the student allows to optimize the inflow of students in your recruitment funnel, because then we can focus only on the channels which bring promising students.
we make your marketing channels measurable and maximize your budget
digital channels
There are more than 200 portals where you can list your programmes to recruit more students. Furthermore, there
is a similar amount of providers offering tailored email lists. Not to forget the countless social media channels and their speed with which they appear, die, re-appear or offer their own new marketing options.

integrating WhatsApp
WhatsApp is a great tool. Not to mention it’s still being read by our prospects. The question is, how to get the most out of it for your student recruitment?
Whether you are experienced or not, it is always good to
be aware of the latest developments in student recruitment.
We have contributed to workshops across the globe and
can deliver a tailored workshop within a few weeks notice.