Higher education marketing teams have noticed a change in how students think about their future. It is no secret that living through Covid-19 has affected how students view education. And while student expectations might be changing, there is still an opportunity for higher education to benefit. By using online reputation management, schools can safeguard their future.
Encouraging prospective students
Positive feedback and student testimonials are more likely to influence prospective students’ decision-making. The change is not limited to only education but displays a global shift in consumer behaviour that is becoming more pronounced. Before making a purchase, Gen Z members are likely to read two or three reviews. This is why effective marketing strategies involving reputation management are crucial. The future of student recruitment may be influenced by credibility, trustworthiness and engagement.
Building trust
Gen Z is reportedly less likely to trust a higher education institution than any other generation. The pandemic encouraged a great deal of uncertainty for student enrolment. A positive online reputation increases credibility and fosters trust among prospective students and their parents. Positive reviews and student testimonials are just some of the things that could help dispel cynicism.
Exhibiting values
Higher education marketing is drastically changing. Promoting school ratings may have been sufficient in the past, but not today. While this kind of information is still important, today’s students are expecting more from schools. A massive 86% of prospects look at a school’s track record on social issues such as LGBTQIA+ rights and racial justice when applying. Showcasing a school’s dedication to tackling social issues will, therefore, likely stand out amongst these prospective students.
Thanks for taking the time to read our blog post on how online reputation management helps attract students. At faethe.marketing we have been helping schools get more students through ORM. So if you are looking to recruit more students for your programmes with minimal cost and effort, feel free to reach out to us.