Many secondary schools’ inbound marketing strategies include blogging as a crucial component. However, coming up with topics to write about can be quite difficult. That is why, we at, have compiled a list of 15 school blog post ideas for your community.
- The transition from primary to secondary school – in Germany, for example, each federal state has a different school system. You can write an informational blog post about the school system where you are located. Explain how it works in terms of free student places and also how to find the right school.
- Back-to-school tips – there is so much to remember when children are getting ready to go back to school. So why not offer all of the information that a parent will need in one place? 🙂
- Staff interviews – conduct light, fun interviews with people in various positions and share them on your blog. This is also great for prospective family uptake. That is because it will let them know who is who and give them insight into the kind of people their children will be interacting with on a daily basis.
- Student success stories – spotlight a student that has achieved something great at your school. This will add social proof to your school. Prospective families love nothing more than learning that education at your school is the path to success.
- A message from your principal – connect families with the principal of your school by scheduling a regular blog post. Update them on what is currently happening at your school, future plans, and more.
- Strategies for tackling homework – give parents easy-to-implement strategies they can use with their children when that inevitable homework resistance begins.
- Problem-solving at home – encourage problem-solving outside of school hours by offering exercises and topics for a variety of ages.
- Promoting literacy at home – provide easy ways for parents to boost their child’s literacy skills at home. Here, you can also include a meaningful book review read in class.
- Supporting emotional health – it is important to ensure parents are aware of the emotional health support options available. Create a blog post detailing these so families know where to turn if things start to get overwhelming.
- School performance – as with most things in parenting, it is important to remember that every child moves at their own pace. And while there are things parents can do to help prepare children for secondary school, it could still take them a while to settle in. Provide parents with ways to find out how things are going when they are not around.
- Academic assessment – using Germany and the Gymnasium as an example, the academic assessment can vary from school to school. Clarify how academic progress is measured at your school through a clear and easy-to-read informational blog post.
- Subject overview with classroom examples – some schools have events (like project days) where students can showcase what they have learned. If your school is one of them, write a blog post about what your students have learned in a specific subject or compile multiple subjects with nice pictures.
- Classroom tours – take your readers on a tour of a school classroom with the help of words and photos. Behind-the-scenes insight is great for prospective families as it shows them what their children could be part of if they were to enrol at your school.
- Teacher’s role in education – let your readers know how the teachers at your school help shape the minds of their children and how children can show them appreciation.
- Summer/Winter activities during school break – the school breaks are fairly long and they can get pretty boring for children. As much as they would be happy with having the time off, they, and the parents especially, will enjoy even more a fun activity they can participate in. Create a list with places to visit, things to do, etc. and make sure to add those pictures!
Of course, these are just 15 topics for blog posts to get your creative juices going. There are many other topic ideas out there waiting to be explored on your school blog. All you need to do is put yourself in your target audience’s shoes and the type of content they would be most interested in reading. Additionally, make sure to check out our tips on starting a school blog in 5 steps, if you have not already. 😉
Thanks for taking the time to read our blog post on school blog post ideas for your community. At we have been helping schools get more students through blogging. So if you are looking to recruit more students for your programmes with minimal cost and effort, feel free to reach out to us.