What is are some digital marketing treats for your school? For me, it would be to know which marketing efforts bring me good students at a reasonable price. If this is a treat for you too, let me share some underrated marketing sources I hope you will like.
Marketing channels I like (a.k.a. proven good ROI)
- Findauniversity: Their deal is for up to 10 courses, you pay 100£ for a full year. While I prefer paying for results than paying for a listing, the results show that you should get a visitor from them below 2£. This is, depending on the keyword-geo-combination, cheaper than AdWords. And at the same time, it has a higher conversion rate. That is because it is a portal, where the visitor must actively select a program.
- Summerschoolsineurope.eu: It’s free. Well, okay the interface can be improved, and it takes time to fill in the information. But if you are offering a summer course and you list your course there, you surely will get good leads. That is provided that you have a good converting landing page.
- Studying-in-germany.org: There are always some new kids on the block. In this case, they have created a page with information about studying in Germany. While this is nothing new, they now start to offer a deal, where you can buy traffic again at a good price of 2€ per visitor from having seen your information before.
From the treats, which I like to the treats, I am curious about. So if you know more about them, please let me know.
Marketing channels I am curious about (a.k.a. unknown but likely good ROI)
- ISAS: Even if I would write out the abbreviation, it does not help too much, but they can help you with two things. The first is to get more leads and second to convert them until the leads are enrolled students. ISAS has its own student lead generation platform (an information portal about studying, without giving information about concrete universities) and a dedicated team to call those leads and convert them to students for the universities they work with. Unfortunately, the knowledge they need to have about you, makes this service more meaningful if you are up for spending more than 5 digits – but then they can also call the leads for you, which you already generate (in almost all languages and very affordable).
- EducateAbroad: By far one of the less advanced portals (not mobile-ready etc.), but this reflects in their prices. From my 7 years of industry experience I expect a cost per visitor of 2€ as well and – in memory of the webpages of the MIT or the ETHZ from 2010 – if visitors find you in this jungle, they must be very interested. As I know some of the universities advertising there, I hope I can share a bit more on the ROI of this portal, but for now, I am just curious about them.
Final thoughts
I’ll keep you posted if I see more interesting opportunities on the horizon and/or know more about the ROI of different channels/providers.
Disclaimer: Apart from studying-in-germany I am not affiliated with any party mentioned. I am more than happy to support you in selecting the best parties for your specific situation. The advice will come for free, and if you want me to help you with the implementation, this will have a price tag.
Thanks for taking the time to read our blog post on digital marketing treats. At faethe.marketingwe have been helping schools to increase student enrollments since 2010. If you are looking to recruit the best matching students for your programmes with minimal cost and effort, feel free to reach out to us.